

CECLL (Caribbean Eastern Canada Links Limited) was born within the principles of project management to facilitate the export of Canadian goods and services in support of sustainable infrastructure business opportunities. It operates from an innovative alternative energy services platform.

CECLL is centered upon state-of-the-art alternative energy technologies such as solar and biomass. These Nova Scotian technologies are combined with other proven energy conservation devices and complementary quality products and services. 

Turning Green with Energy

CECLL concentrates on the means for an enterprise to strengthen its self-sustaining characteristics via $hortened payback and lengthened benefit period$. Natural capital concepts and modernized centuries-old technology are employed to deliver sustainable energy to Atlantic Canada and the Caribbean.

A renewable energy sustainability company, CECLL focuses on the deployment of renewable energy sources like solar and organics in conjunction with state-of-the-art energy management tools. Enterprise value and reward is reliant on profitably replacing volatile operational input costs with sustainable capital costs.

The premise that energy is only changed from one form to another, and neither created nor destroyed, is the crux of CECLL‘s business - productively aligning continuous flows of natural energy sources. The three pillars of CECLL‘s business are solar, biometrics, and hot water – each pillar underpinned by the ability to constantly measure the energy involved.


102 - 1819 Granville Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 3R1
Fax: (902) 457-7201